Toastmaster Megan tells us about how she wondered whether Toastmasters was too good to be true. Read about how she learned it was even better than expected!
Tune in to Toastmaster Elaine as she talks about how Toastmasters helped her build confidence by her participating in the impromptu speaking of Toastmasters, called Table Topics.
Join Toastmaster Bob as he tells us about how the support and camaraderie in Toastmasters helped him to become a better communicator with his coworkers and to get out of his shell.
View Christina's testimonial on how Toastmasters helped her overcome her fear of public speaking and boosted her self confidence which led her to leadership roles in the club, including being President. It all hinged on taking that first step! For Christina it was stepping up to impromptu speaking in Table Topics.
Journey with Sharon as she tells us about how Bridge Builders boosted her self-confidence. Prior to joining Toastmasters, she would probably have turned down the invitation to give the Mother of the Groom speech at her son's wedding. Thanks to her mentor and fellow Bridge Builder members, she accepted the request and was delighted to give that gift to her son and daughter-in-law!
Past International Director and Past District 54 Governor and Past Bridge Builders Club President Dick Poirier tells how a mentor encouraged him in his early days of Toastmasters. A mentor can be a shining light to help others. Watch and listen as Dick describes how his mentor encouraged him to step up to leadership. RIP Pete Taraboletti.
Read the amazing story about how Toastmasters helped Maria overcome a short term memory loss, which she suffered following a concussion.